supplai logoYour Business With AI Solutions

How can we Help You?

We can provide you with customized AI solutions for your business in any field and help you get ahead of your competitors and see your business growth with real insights.


What are our Services?

Business Intelligence

Detailed business insights and active dashboards to develop your business with your eyes open, data analysis can easily help you monitor your money flow, employees attitude, competitors behavior, your overall progress, your marketing campaigns and do they really help you, finally it can ease your fateful decisions through useful insights.

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Chatbot for your Customers

Chatbot that helps your customers through your own website and make them reach and know more about your services easily, answer their routine questions and share the load or totally replace your customer service.

Several Customized Models for your business

AI solutions by building several models that can help you predict whatever you want to enhance your workflow and avoid the future problems.

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Our Team is Here For you

Assign a full-time data analyst team for you to avoid the headache of hiring professionals, you will only deal with supplai logo and this team will be monitored and supervised by our seniors.

We help businesses plan for the future by predicting what might happen next. Whether you need to know how much of a product to stock, how many customers to expect, or where the market is heading, our forecasting services give you a clearer picture.

Big Data Analysis

As the volume of data generated daily continues to grow, specialized big data platforms, pipelines, and analysis techniques are essential for efficiently managing and analyzing this large amount of information

Operations on Images and Videos

If your computer can see you can apply several applications as (full attendance system, several objects detection from images and videos, recognize unexpected activities) and any other specialized application you want to construct.

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text summarization
Text Summarization and Keyword Extraction

You can't deal with large paragraphs? Here you can have your own and specialized text summarizer model that knows your domain very well whatever it is and summarize large paragraphs to save your time.

Customers Feedback Analysis

It can help you easily understand your customers' feedback and classify them with one click and stop wasting your time reading them one by one.

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Our Clients


What are you predicting?

Get ready-made reports to compare models, segments, and datasets side-by-side.

See a customized chatbot that answer questions related to you.

We don’t just deliver data; we deliver true insights. Our team will continuously provide in-depth analysis and recommendations. In addition, we provide access to the Unified Insights Platform.

We will create and deliver configured dashboards with the data that you need, to manage, inform and measure your success for the highest performance and efficiencies.

Predict further operations that help you in decision making.

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